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GLOBAL EAP and specialist support

The Burnt Chef Project offers another first-of-it’s-kind. A truly Global EAP that offers counselling and information support to hospitality employees as well as their dependents using The Burnt Chef Project brand to help increase engagement and confidence. This EAP includes:


  • Our confidential helpline is available around the globe 24/7, 365 days a year with calls answered by experienced in-house counsellors, and legal and financial experts.


  • We're very excited to extend elements of this service to our audiences in Australia, APAC, Canada, and USA in most local languages.


  • Additional regions will follow based on demand.


We’ve made it as easy as possible for you to get the right advice when you need it the most.

EAP as an Absence Prevention Tool


An employee assistance program (EAP) is a confidential resource that can help you and your employees identify and resolve problems and remain productive at work. EAP representatives typically can help find counselling services to overcome specific problems or provide directions to a variety of community and online resources.


Most programs provide face-to-face counselling sessions with a specialist.

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