The Burnt Chef Support Service & GLOBAL
GLOBAL specialist support is available now!
Text BURNTCHEF to 85258 (UK) 24/7
Call 0800 085 1376 (UK) 24/7
Call +44 (0)20 7938 0963 (Global) 24/7
Email (Global)
All calls and emails answered by counsellors and clinically trained psychotherapists.
If you're looking to talk to someone about mental health you can also use any of the numbers below for global support.
Argentina: +5402234930430
Australia: 13 11 14
Austria: 017133374
Belgium: 106
Bosnia & Herzegovina: +080 050305
Botswana: 3911270
Brazil: 212339191
Canada: 001 833 456 4566
Croatia: 014833888
Denmark: +4570201201
Egypt: 7621602
Estonia: 3726558088
Finland: 010 195 202
France: 0145394000
Germany: 08001810771
Greece: 1018
Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000
Hungary: 116123
India: 8888817666
Indonesia: 500-454
Ireland: text HI to +00 353 873690010
Italy: 800860022
Japan: +810352869090
Kenya: +254 722 178 177
Malaysia: 06 281 2500
Mexico: 525 510 2550
Netherlands: 113
New Zealand: 0800543354 / Text 5626
Nigeria: 112
Norway: +4781533300
Pakistan: 15/115
Philippines: 028969191
Poland: 5270000
Portugal: 21 854 07 40 / 8 96 898 21 50
Romania: 0800 801 200
Russia: 0078202577577
Singapore: 1767
South Africa: 0514445691
Spain: 914590050
Sweden: 46317112400
Switzerland: 143
United Arab Emirates: 999
USA: 'HOME' to 741741